
He asked me..."Whatcha  doing??
I said to him..."I've been jamming to the Moody Blues"
After a slight pause he asked acusingly...The Moody Jews??!

Hey Bub...you know when Dad died?...you know Ma, the Girls and I went to Alpena to identify Him?  Well we went into a room and there was Dad...His shoes where off and his tongue was showing...
and when we said goodbye to him I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead...

...I wish I did'nt go...

The Setting...
                Somewhere in the 70's,  Lake Fifteen Camp ground, Dark...

Wendy - Im going into town tomorrow
Sherm - Hey Wendy...your going into town?
Wendy - Yes Sherman...
Sherm - Well when you come back from town will you bring me a henweigh?
Wendy - Uh, Whats a Henweigh?
   Slight pause...
Sherm - About 3 to 4 pounds !

 The Result...
                Several tents around our family tent burst into laughing...settled down to giggling and finally to whispers...Everybody slept good that night.

Sherm - Hey Rod?...

Me - Yeah?

Sherm - You should get I-Did-a Rod tee shirts for all your girl friends...
you know....like the dog race...!

After coming home from surgery to remove cancer in my throat I stop by Sherms to catch up with him and let him know that he cant get rid of me so easily...
After talking and joking back and forth for a while Sherm gets quiet as he notices the scar on my throat from the tracheostomy.
He starts dancing a little and while singing to the tune of  MY SHARONA !
He sings MY STOMA !  !

While visiting me lately...

We built ourselves this.....

AND this....